Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Are Some Myths About Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder In Men

#LetsTalkBipolar: SADAGs campaign to debunk myths about Bipolar Disorder

Both men and women experience some symptoms but still, there are a few that are different. Due to the physical changes, men may feel something different and that is mentioned below:

  • It gets diagnosed later but should be done earlier in life.
  • Severe episodes are experienced and manic episodes are common in both men and women
  • Substance abuse is also there
  • Men who have this kind of depressive and mental illness are less likely to think about suicidal thoughts.

    Myth : Bipolar Disorder Is Not Life

    Fact: Individuals with bipolar disorder have a greater risk of suicide than the general population, says Center. As many as 19 percent of people with this condition die by suicide, and as many as 60 percent attempt suicide, according to research published in Bipolar Disorders.

    Suicide risk is most often associated with depressive episodes for several reasons, the DBSA states:

    • Depressive episodes can be long lasting. Long-term feelings of sadness and hopelessness can raise suicide risk.
    • There are often delays in getting the right diagnosis it can take up to six to eight years on average. The longer someone goes without the right diagnosis and treatment, the worse their condition can become.
    • Its common to feel shame, guilt, embarrassment, or regret after a manic episode, often causing an individual to slip into a depressive episode.
    • Involuntary hospitalization for a manic episode can be a traumatic experience for many people and is associated with a heightened suicide risk shortly after discharge.

    Myth 8 If You Have Bipolar Disorder You Cant Be Trusted To Make Rational Decisions

    Having bipolar disorder does not automatically mean your ability to reason and be a logical person has disappeared. It also does not mean that you have no control over your actions and no self-awareness.

    Simply knowing someone has a disorder is not an accurate way to anticipate how that person will behave, how they can handle different situations, and again, who they are as a person.

    Not to mention, you have no idea what coping methods they have established or what kind of treatment theyve sought.

    Its true, you might not want me to drive a car when Im manic. You also might not want your star basketball player out on the court when theyve sustained a serious injury.

    However, making calls about ability requires that you have knowledge about the extent to which a medical condition impacts someones ability to participate in something and for how long.

    You cant make that kind of call with a quick glance or a snap judgment. These judgments are especially difficult when an illness like bipolar disorder is often invisible.

    Unless youre their doctor, it isnt your call to determine how competent someone is. Its unfair to make assumptions about someone on the basis of a diagnosis that may or may not be a significant part of their everyday experience.

    Bipolar is one facet of a complex human being, and the severity of our symptoms and the kinds of symptoms that we have all vary widely.

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    Myth : There Is No Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

    There is more than one way to help manage this disorder. There are certain types of medications that can work very well for you. Your doctor may recommend medications such as:

    Medications are usually also accompanied with psychotherapy, which helps you learn how to keep your symptoms under control.

    At the same time, psychotherapy will teach you how to do the following:

    • Avoid all known triggers for your episodes
    • Find support when you need it
    • Help you spot your symptoms before they end up getting worse

    Myth : The Episodes Of Mania And Depression Are Cyclical

    Bust The Myths of Bipolar Disorder

    Fact: People often believe that in bipolar disease, people undergo periods of mania followed by periods of depression. This is not true. In people with bipolar disorder, moods are often more chaotic and do not follow a cyclical pattern. It comes with a random combination of symptoms, which helps add to the turmoil that takes a toll on relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and others. This is why it is so important to get proper treatment for even mild cases of bipolar disorder.

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    Signs And Symptoms Bipolar Disorders Genetic

    People who suffer from bipolar disorders have unusual experiences in life and they may see changes in their sleep patterns and some other undesirable effects. the low activity and concentration and a will to end life are some symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder.

    Mood episodes are the symptoms that cannot be tackled because mood swings can last for a period of one or two weeks. Mood swings mean sometimes a person is very high and sometimes is very low. Sometimes same episode for a week or two weeks gets mixed with depressive and manic symptoms. Mood swings when there two symptoms are mixed gets happy, energized, sad, mad, etc.

    If the symptoms are not so high and are less like bipolar type-ii, in the second type, the hypomania is considered to be less than mania and the symptoms of hypomania are less extreme and do things better can feel the positivity little but a person may never feel something is going to be wrong and he is going to be a victim of mental disorder.

    Only the ones who are with the person can recognize these changes and help them with this disorder. If these are not treated properly it can cause severe problems.

    Just Because I Do It Doesn’t Mean It’s A Symptom Of Bipolar Disorder

    In short, Im sure there are bipolars who do lie, do cheat, do manipulate, are selfish and are violent. I have no doubt that they exist. But that’s not disorder-specific that is part of who they are.

    Just because a person with bipolar disorder does something, that doesnt make it a symptom of bipolar disorder.

    Personally, it scares me and I jump when someone knocks on my door, I despise opening mail and I loved jumping out of planes. That’s not bipolar disorder. That’s just me.

    APA ReferenceTracy, N. . Seven Biggest Myths About Bipolar Disorder, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2022, June 5 from

    Cant take anymore Bipolar’s wife

    sorry i am a spouse of a man with bipolar, married 24 years and he has done most of these things. His main thing is doing something wrong, then lying to me and others by cover ups. He thinks he can still do this and get away with it, even on meds.

    I’m confused, I’ve researched Narcissist disorder and they have very similar symptoms.


    Myths? Yea ok. Every bi polar person I’ve met had every single symptom in your so called MYTH LIST. Seriously. That’s exactly who they are 100% give or take a number. Your weird and obviously lying because your all this or never new anyone with it.

    TeresaEveCatAnonymous SurvivorlisAMonicaJSueladyrider68HaileyKateJeremy GesellTiffanyChellemum to bunnygeorge

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    Myth : Bipolar Disorder Is A Severe Mental Illness

    Many people believe that those with bipolar disorder are out of control and psychotic, says Dr. Anand. But we have learned over the last few decades that milder forms of bipolar disorder are much more common.

    The two main types of bipolar illness are bipolar I and bipolar II. Beyond that, bipolar illness takes many forms.

    • In bipolar I, episodes of mania and depression can be quite severe.
    • In bipolar II, depression may be severe, but the highs are much milder, do not truly impair function and may even make people more productive.
    • In a much larger group of people, very mild or very few symptoms of mania occur for short periods of time not enough to warrant a diagnosis. Some of these individuals are quite successful.

    Thus, most people with bipolar disorder live in the community and may never be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, says Dr. Anand.

    Myth #: Mania Is Awesome Fun

    6 Misconceptions of Borderline Personality Disorder

    This is a common misconception and in fact some people with mania do tend to feel euphoric, get lots done, and have endless energy. Sound fun? Its not really.

    Many people are actually frightened when they go into mania and feel like they are out of control. People can be reckless without realising it and can do things that are out of character or very risky. They can go days without sleep, spend all their savings on a shopping spree or at the casino, abuse alcohol or drugs, engage in risky sexual activity, or make poor decisions.

    And as well as these risks, mania can cause people to feel frustrated, angry, or anxious.

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    Myth #: Bipolar Disorder Can Be Cured By A Healthylifestyle

    Bipolar disorderis a life-long disease, and there is no cure. However, it can be treated andmanaged through a combination of medications, therapies, and a healthylifestyle. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, eating a well-balanced diet,and avoiding stress can help keep the symptoms of bipolar disorder at bay.

    Learning as muchas possible about the condition as well as learning to recognize the warningsigns of a mood swing can also help in managing bipolar disorder myths. Itis important to communicate well with the doctors and therapists to create a moreeffective treatment plan that can help reduce relapses.

    Myth : Mania Increases Productivity

    Fact: It can be hard for people with bipolar disorder to recognize when theyre having a manic episode. In the early stages of mania, a person may have a lot of energy and be very happy, says Center. They may also feel like they need significantly less sleep than normal and have an elevated sense of self-importance.

    When someone is manic, they don’t know anything else. They feel all-powerful. They feel like they are the smartest person in the room, says Athans.

    But mania doesnt increase productivity in positive ways. While mania can feel good or exciting in the early stages, those good feelings often dont last, and theyre replaced by confusion, irritability, and racing thoughts, says Center. Manic episodes may also lead to sleep deprivation and risky behaviors, such as shopping sprees, gambling, or reckless sexual behaviors.

    Often they feel like they are productive, but after the mania resolves, the work or activities they did are not as good as they thought, says Weeks.

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    Myth: Bipolar Disorder Is Rare:

    Fact: Bipolar disorder is a common mental health condition, affecting millions of people.

    Its estimated that up to 2.1% of the population will experience bipolar disorder in their lifetime. Rates of bipolar disorder are relatively equal between men and women. However, the prevalence of bipolar disorder may vary based on individual characteristics. For example, bipolar disorder may be greater among:

    • Native American communities
    • People with lower education levels or socioeconomic status
    • People who were previously married
    • Young and middle-aged people

    Bipolar disorder includes significant fluctuations in mood, from periods of mania to periods of depression. Although bipolar disorder is not as common as some other mental health conditions, it is one of the most burdensome psychiatric illnesses. Bipolar disorder is chronic and long-lasting, and the presence of both manic and depressive features can significantly impair a persons ability to live normally.

    Bipolar Myth: Mania Is Fun And Makes You More Productive

    Myths and Facts About Bipolar Disorder

    Fact: When someone is experiencing mania they may go for days without sleep, feel overexcited, and have lots of energy. But during this time, they may also feel edgy, restless, not in control of their actions and start to take unnecessary risks, saying or doing outrageous things, and even believing they have special powers. Losing control of your actions can be very frightening for some people.

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    /7 Listening Support For Better Mental Health

    Talking for Therapy is here for people with bipolar disorder. We know its a hard journey. For that reason, we always make sure you can talk to us 24/7. Let us help you live your best life with kind and gentle listening support.

    Please reach out to us if youre having a mental health crisis, need emotional support, and more. Schedule your call now, and lets talk about YOU.

    Myth: Bipolar Disorder = Swinging Between Depression And Aggression

    FACT: Mood shifts caused by bipolar disorder exist on a broad spectrum. Its actually inaccurate to say all people with bipolar disorder go back and forth from mania and depression.

    Type of Bipolar Disorder

    Different types of bipolar disorder include particular mood types. To receive a diagnosis of:

    • bipolar I disorder, you must have episodes of mania. Bipolar I disorder may include depression but its not necessary to receive a diagnosis.
    • bipolar II disorder, you must have both hypomania and depression .
    • cyclothymia disorder, only some symptoms of hypomania and some symptoms of depression are needed to receive a diagnosis. These symptoms occur at the same time for periods on and off within a 2-year phase, each time.

    In all three types of bipolar disorder, when a person is not having an episode, they experience whats called euthymia, which is simply a calm state.

    While depression is among the most commonly experienced mental health conditions, mania is rarer and less understood by the general public. The next myth on this list discusses mania in more depth.

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    Myth #5 Someone With Bipolar Disorder Can’t Have A Normal Life

    Along with the assumptions that people with bipolar disorder are fundamentally out of control and destined to suffer comes the myth that supposes they cant lead a normal life. If this myth becomes a barrier to individuals seeking treatment, this may very well become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it is a mistaken belief to begin with. Its true that episodes of mania and even depression can powerfully affect a persons daily life, their perception and experience of the world, and their ability to connect with others and with a more positive future. However, individuals and facilities dedicate their efforts to discovering the treatments that really work for various clients and rehabilitating them so they can lead healthy, happy, productive lives. If you or a loved one has bipolar disorder, greater personal awareness and a commitment to comprehensive care can be the beginning of a journey toward the life you really want.

    Myth : Medication Is The Only Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

    Health & Science Focus | Bipolar Disorder | Part 4

    Medication is often the first line treatment for Bipolar disorder, however, psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy , family-focussed therapy, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy have been shown to help minimise symptoms and reduce the risk of future episodes.

    A combination of psychological treatments and medication have the most effective and enduring outcomes. Some experts recommend self-help strategies such as education, sleep hygiene, early warning signs, symptom monitoring, meditative and reflective practices, and maintaining good social support.

    If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Bipolar disorder, its important to consult a doctor or mental health professional. You can also contact the SANE Help Centre for information and support.

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    How To Help Someone With Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar is a common but often misdiagnosed mental health problem. The frequent changes in mood, sleep and eating patterns, thoughts, and behavior in a person can create a disturbance in daily activities.

    Everyone has a right to quality of life and appropriate support can change a persons life. You can help by educating yourself and the people around you. Understand the terminology related to the disorder and if you or your loved one experience the above symptoms, reach out to a professional mental health care provider.

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    Suicide and self-harm can be results of depressive episodes of bipolar or any mental health disorder. If you think you or your loved one is at risk, immediately reach the nearest helpline and ask for help. Listen to your loved one, stay calm, and reach out for help. There is no shame asking for help.

    Patience and understanding of the situation can be helpful. Bipolar is a chronic illness and it can be managed through medication, therapy, and love and support of family and friends.

    Fill your life with laughter and love. Always remember to find happiness in little things around you.

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    Myth : Bipolar Disorder Is Rare

    Did you know every year more people experience Bipolar disorder than cancer?

    Its estimated that Bipolar affects approximately one in 50 Australians a year. Thats approximately 360,000 people. To put this in perspective, all forms of cancer affect around 98,000 Australians per year, , and depressive disorders affect around 1,000,000 Australians per year .

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    Myth 9 Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder Is Easy

    Diagnosing bipolar disorder is difficult. There is no single test that tells whether a person has bipolar disorder, and the symptoms can vary between individuals. Therefore, doctors use a combination of physical examinations and lab testing to rule out other conditions to diagnose this mental health disorder.

    However, its not always common for people to recognize that something is wrong. Some are in denial while others dont know where to turn for help. This is why its important for family and friends to recognize the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder and when to seek help. Fortunately, testing is non-invasive and includes:

    • Keeping a mood journal

    Common Myths About Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Disorder Debate: Myths of Mental Illness

    Although there is plenty of misinformation to be heard and found about bipolar disorder, the following are some of the most common and destructive myths regarding the diagnosis and patients.

    1. Not many people have bipolar disorder. About 5.7 million adults 2.6 percent of the adult US population carry a bipolar diagnosis.1 People may very well be less likely to talk openly about a mental health struggle than they would a physical diagnosis, like diabetes or chronic pain. However, this does not mean that you dont know family members, neighbors and coworkers who are dealing with bipolar disorder.

    2. All people with bipolar disorder have the same experience. There are four different categories of bipolar disorder. Each person with the following bipolar disorder experiences their diagnosis in a unique way:

    3. People with bipolar disorder are unpredictable and untrustworthy. A common misconception is that people with bipolar disorder could act out irrationally at any time. Also, there have been cases where prominent leaders blame national tragedies like mass shootings on the mental health of someone involved.3

    People with bipolar disorder often experience periods of stable moods, and many people can anticipate when they are beginning an episode of mania or depression. With the right treatment and routines, people with bipolar disorder generally live normal, predictable lives and have healthy, valuable relationships.

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