Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Can Diabetes Lead To Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder Type 1 vs Type 2 | Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Type 2 diabetes causes the body to become resistant to the hormone insulin. This hormone unlocks cells. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. While both types of the disease can cause problems, you can minimize the impact by following healthy eating and being physically active. The sooner you know more about diabetes, the better prepared you will be to deal with it. Once you know more about the disease, youll be better prepared for treatment.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that causes the body to produce too much insulin. It is also known as type 2 diabetes. If you have type 1, you can control your blood glucose levels by eating a balanced diet. If you have type 2 diabetes, you can even prevent it by adopting healthy lifestyle habits and modifying your diet. Its important to seek information that can help you be your own health advocate. There are many different types of diabetes, so its important to learn as much as you can about the condition.

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13 January 2022

Deirdre M. A. OConnor, Siobhan Scarlett, Rose Anne Kenny

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Edelweiss Touron, Inès Moulinet, the Medit-Ageing Research Group

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volume 48, pages 362370

Diabetes Bipolar Brain And Body

Both bipolar disorder and diabetes change the brain. The glucose and insulin problems of diabetes negatively impact the brains energy supply and use. The brains prefrontal cortexthe area of the brain where thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and other higher-order functions take placeundergoes chemical changes because of both illnesses. The changes caused by the mental- and physical illness combination damage the brain. Effects include:

  • Brain atrophy, including diminished gray matter density
  • A decrease in the volume of the hippocampus
  • Cognitive problems
  • Imbalances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
  • Thyroid abnormalities

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Association Between Glucose Metabolism And Response To Lithiumtreatment

Glucose metabolic status was strongly related to therapeutic response toprophylactic lithium treatment . Only 3.2% of patients who were euglycaemic had no response to lithiumwhereas 36.7% of patients with insulin

Fig. 2 Response to prophylactic lithium in individuals with euglycaemia,insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

resistance and 36.8% of patients with type 2diabetes had no response. A significantly greater proportion of patients whowere euglycaemic achieved remission on lithium compared with those with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes . The association betweenimpaired glucose metabolism and poor response to prophylactic treatment withlithium remained significant in a sensitivity analysis controlling forcurrent and lifetime use of antipsychotic medication in addition to age andgender . Insulinresistance or type 2 diabetes was strongly associated with non-response tolithium even after controlling for BMI in addition to age and gender and after additionallycontrolling for past or current antipsychotic use . Insulin resistance or type 2diabetes was associated with lithium non-response even among the 42non-obese participants with BMI < 30 .

In addition, we found that response to lithium was negatively associatedwith a continuous measure of insulin resistance, as estimated by HOMA-IR . This relationship

Fig. 3 Relationship between insulin resistance ) andresponse to lithium.

Patients with type 2 diabetes were excluded.

Exists A Blood Test To Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

How to eat well with bipolar disorder.

A brain scan or blood test cannot identify bipolar illness for your doctor. The expression of a critical brain chemical may be associated with the diagnosis of mood disorders, according to new study.

40-50% of my patients at the county hospital where I work as a physician suffer from diabetes and its complications. I admit patients with diabetic foot infections, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetes-associated cardiovascular disease every day. Diabetes has a very negative effect on the lives of my patients. As a result, I consider it my professional responsibility to be as knowledgeable as possible about the condition that causes so much misery and death among my patients.

Simply said, this book is a brilliant and exhaustive guide to reversing diabetes , improving insulin resistance , and living a healthy life. This translates to a much lower A1c for diabetics, which is linked with a considerable reduction in morbidity. Though I do not have diabetes and have typically considered myself a healthy person, the book has already altered the way that I live and eat and how I feel in my own life. Through a combination of uplifting personal tales, a condensed explanation of fundamental science, a review of scientific research, and precise and easy-to-follow explanations of what and how to eat, the authors have actually constructed a fresh road map for patients to recover.

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Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms of bipolar disorder may depend on whether the person is going through a manic or depressive episode. These episodes are more extreme than the normal feelings of sadness or happiness people without bipolar disorder may get.

When going through a manic episode, you may have some of the following symptoms:

  • High energy and mood

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Diabetes can be managed through oral medications. In addition to insulin, metformin, which is a sugar-reducing agent, is also a common treatment for diabetes. It is considered a first-line therapy for diabetes treatment and is often added to insulin. It is important to know the risks of taking diabetes medications. Some drugs can be addictive, so you must consult your doctor before taking any medication. Your physician can prescribe you an appropriate treatment plan based on your medical history.

Your doctor will prescribe medication and check your blood glucose levels on a regular basis. Your A1c level will be checked every six months and your cholesterol levels will be tested regularly. Your doctor will also look for any signs of retinopathy, which is damage to the nerves in the eye caused by diabetes. You will also be examined for any foot problems. It is important to see a foot specialist regularly. Your feet should be thoroughly inspected for damage to the nerves.

While the first two types of insulin are the most common treatments, diabetes can be treated in a variety of ways. Your doctor may prescribe medications to control high blood pressure, which can protect the kidneys. Other types of medication include aspirin and other types of anti-platelet drugs. If your doctor is concerned about your blood sugar level, you may need to try a different medication. Some medications can cause side effects. Your treatment will depend on what type of insulin you need.

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When To See A Doctor

If a person notices rapid fluctuations in their mood or any other symptoms that may indicate a mental health condition, it is advisable to contact a doctor.

A healthcare professional can review a persons diabetes management plan and recommend tips or different medications. They may also be able to diagnose a mental health condition and suggest appropriate treatment or issue a referral to a doctor who can.

A person should seek immediate medical attention or call 911 if they or someone they know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm.

Battling Bipolar Demons And Rationing Insulin

Pharmacology – Bipolar Drugs – Lithium, Valproic Acid, Carbamazepine nursing RN PN NCLEX

As it was, Devins mental health woes made diabetes management almost impossible at times, Kennedy recalls. His delusion and psychotic states were sometimes so extreme that he believed he could actually cure himself of T1D by not taking insulin.

His mother still believes that misinformation and stigma that exists in the general public about diabetes particularly the differences between T1 and T2 played into that over the years. She recalls one of her sons friends at one time sharing that Devins diabetes could be managed with diet and exercise alone, just like a family member of that friend had done. Clearly, that friend was talking about type 2 specifically, but Kennedy fears it all influenced her sons thinking when he was struggling with mental health issues.

The rage that I have about social chatter on diabetes, and treating the two as the same disease is almost indescribable, Kennedy says. Its just ridiculous that people are led to believe this.

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Effects Of Diabetes On Relationships

Having type 1 or type 2 diabetes may place strain on relationships due to the factors we describe above. Also, having any chronic condition can increase the need for emotional support and the potential for frustration and tension, which can lead to conflict.

Understanding the range of potential effects of diabetes can help loved ones provide support and strengthen the relationship.

A 2020 study highlights the effects of spousal influence on diabetes management and health behavior. This emphasizes the roles that healthy intimate relationships can play in self-care and improving diabetes outcomes.

Diabetes can also impact a persons sex life. Possible complications include erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and a lower sex drive. Communication is essential. Discussing any sexual effects and finding ways to work with them together can help.

such as :

Association Between Glucose Metabolism And Clinicalcharacteristics

Table 1 shows clinical descriptorsfor groups defined by glucose metabolism status. Insulin resistance and type2 diabetes were strongly positively associated with a history ofhypertension, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovasculardisease, higher BMI, greater waist circumference and family history of type2 diabetes. We found no association between abnormalities in glucosemetabolism and polarity at onset, age at onset of bipolar

Table 1 Comparison of clinical variables associated with abnormal glucosemetabolism

< 0.0001

Not all data available for all patients.

disorder, bipolar diagnostic subcategories , number of lifetime episodes, history oflong-term disability, thyroid disorders, suicidal behaviour, family historyof psychosis or personal history of psychosis during mood episodes. Malegender was associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes inunivariate analysis, but this was accounted for by men in our sample beingolder and the effect disappeared when age was included as a covariate.

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Why Do Bipolar Cut You Off

It isnt really a bipolar he/she is cutting you off. Its a person who is not in control of his or her emotions and needs to protect himself. This can be a sign of insecurity or a controlling nature, but it can also be a sign of self-preservation. If this person is insecure about the relationship, he or she may feel that the more independent you are, the less you need him or her and will therefore be more likely to leave him or her. A controlling person may also be afraid that you will take advantage of him or her. When someone is afraid of being manipulated, he or she will often want to control the other person more. This is a vicious cycle, because then the person will try to control the other person even more and the other person will try to manipulate the other person even more..

Does Bipolar Worsen With Age


The good news is that according to ___% of the patients with bipolar, they have found their symptoms stabilized by the time they are in their 40s. Research shows that depression worsens with age, but mania improves or levels out. This is because the symptoms of bipolar disorder tend to worsen during the first decade of the condition. Then many patients report a stabilization or an improvement in the second decade..

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Continue Learning About Living With Bipolar Disorder

Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

Schizophrenia Bipolar Disorder And Diabetes

Those living with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are highly susceptible to developing diabetes. There is no direct link between schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and diabetes unless one or more of the big three are present: But diabetes management is a great concern, especially when a person has schizophrenia. Diabetes management can be very layered and complicated and as anyone with schizophrenia knows, psychosis does not exactly make it easy to manage the basics of life, much less an illness as complicated as diabetes. Those with bipolar disorder have similar problems based on their moods. Having said this, there is NO question that those with schizophrenia are at a much higher risk of diabetes than the general psychiatric community due to: higher rates of smoking cigarettes very poor diets in some cases a lack of exercise and a thought disorder that can make it very hard for self-care. next: Diabetes and Other Mental Health Conditions ~ back to:Browse all Mental Health and Diabetes ArticlesContinue reading > >

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Its important to maintain a healthy body weight. You should also make sure that you drink plenty of water, and limit your intake of sugary drinks. In addition, make sure that you get regular exercise. You should also avoid alcoholic beverages. Lastly, you should avoid alcohol. These beverages contain high amounts of sugar. If you dont drink enough, youre not doing anything to prevent diabetes. Besides, drinking alcohol can be harmful to your health.

The most important thing to do is to follow the recommended diet. Eat more healthy foods that have low amounts of fat and high amounts of fiber. The best way to lose weight is to lose 7 percent of your body weight. If youre overweight, you should try to lose 14 pounds to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, you should not attempt to lose weight while pregnant. Talk to your doctor about what kind of weight is safe for you.

Besides high blood glucose, diabetes can also affect the nerves and skin. It may affect your sexual response and your nervous system. It can also affect your fertility. Women with diabetes are more likely to miscarry or have a baby with a birth defect. It can cause a person to have difficulty hearing and sleep. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to type 1 diabetes and can even lead to amputation.

Association Between Glucose Metabolism And Rapid Cycling

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Patients with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance had significantly higherrates of rapid cycling and 39.5%, respectively) than euglycaemic patients, resulting in a significant difference inthe rate of rapid cycling by glucose metabolism status , controlling for age and gender. Therelationship between glucose metabolism and rapid cycling course of illnessremained significant in a sensitivity analysis controlling for current andlifetime use of antipsychotic medication in addition to age and gender . Body mass index alsosignificantly predicted rapid cycling . However, when both insulin resistance/type 2diabetes and BMI were entered into a logistic regression, insulin resistanceor type 2 diabetes significantly predicted rapid cycling, even aftercontrolling for BMI whereas the effect of BMI was no longer significant .

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How Are Bipolar Disorders Diagnosed

To diagnose bipolar disorder, a physician will do a physical examination, talk about your symptoms, and request blood tests to establish whether another illness, such as hypothyroidism, is causing your symptoms. If the physician cannot determine the underlying cause of your problems, he or she does a psychological assessment.

Diabetes And Mental Health

A diabetes diagnosis can be a life altering event. Whether it be type 1 diabetes where the body does not make any insulin at all or type 2 diabetes when the pancreas makes some insulin but not enough, it can mean changes to your lifestyle that you may not be ready for and can also be hard on relationships with friends or family. As you establish a new routine it is important to establish good habits in managing your mental health. Proper diabetes management requires awareness of your symptoms. Just as you take insulin to ensure your blood glucose levels are where they should be, its important to take measures to prevent mental health crises by being aware of how you are feeling mentally and emotionally.

Just like taking care of your body, taking care of your mind is equally as important to living a healthy life. When left untreated, mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can make diabetes worse. Likewise, existing diabetes can make mental health conditions worse.

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How Are Diabetes And Mental Health Connected

A diabetes diagnosis can feel like not just a threat to health, it can also seem like a threat to a persons way of life, because managing diabetes means making changes to your day-to-day routine. Your doctor might instruct you to change your diet by eating certain kinds of foods, avoiding sugary beverages, or restricting alcohol intake which can be difficult for anyone regardless of a diabetes diagnosis. Added responsibilities like tracking blood glucose and insulin can be hard to remember at first, doctors appointments can cause time away from work, and the costs of appropriate care may be burdensome. These changes can be emotionally draining, and you might start to notice that you are feeling a bit off or have very little energy left to carry out important tasks to managing your condition.

  • People living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at increased risk for depression, anxiety and eating disorders.
  • Rates of depression across the lifespan are 2 times greater for people with diabetes than in the general population.
  • People with type 1 diabetes are twice as likely to live with disordered eating.
  • In women with type 1 diabetes, bulimia is most common eating disorder while women with type 2 diabetes are more likely to deal with binge eating.

The fear of blood sugar fluctuations can be very stressful. Changes in blood sugar can cause rapid changes in mood and other mental symptoms such as fatigue, trouble thinking clearly, and anxiety.

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